Alcohol and I

I don’t consider myself a “drinker”.  I started drinking alcohol at around 16, in pubs and bars (back when Challenge25 wasn’t even a thought in someone’s head. I would go to the pub on a Tuesday, drink cherry alcopops or double vodka and redbull.

But now, at the age of 28, I’d say I go out mostly when there’s a reason - birthday, wedding, family get together. However, I do enjoy a few glasses of red wine on a Friday night after work. It has become such a habit, in the lead up to the balloon I have found myself feeling sad about not being able to wine on a Friday. Maybe I am a drinker after all. 

I drink like I eat - quickly in large volumes. I am usually the first one to suggest tequila shots, or staying out late and getting a taxi. I like beer (especially having lived in Germany for 10 months) I feel a lot of my social interactions happen around food and drink. I don’t know when to stop- either I have a small drink or I don’t know my limit and I’m hungover to death the next day.

It’s 9 days until I fly to Prague, and 11 days until insertion. I’m getting increasingly scared that I’m going to end up miserable. Food is my comfort, wine is too.  What can I do to replace my comforters and make sure I get the most out of this balloon? 

I’m sure a little while into the balloon I’ll be glad I’ve chosen not to drink alcohol for a year - why spend this much time and effort (and money) on a weight loss aid if I’m going to drink my calories? 
And so, after last night’s bottle of red (oops), I have bid goodbye to alcohol for a year. Complete abstinence is the only way I can stay in control of both my drinking and my eating. 


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