Packing for Prague

I decided to start preparing what I’ll need to take to Prague for my gastric balloon procedure 1 month prior to leaving the country. After all, one of the life changing aims of this is to become more prepared. 

In the months leading up to the procedure, I’ve read reviews, personal accounts, FAQs from doctors, and all kinds of tales about the few days following the procedure. It’s grim.  Basically, sticking a foreign object down your throat and into your stomach does not make it happy. Pretty much every patient who gets the 1 year balloon suffers a cocktail of nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps while your body tries to get rid of the balloon. Some people end up on a drip due to dehydration.

Getting the procedure in a foreign country adds extra need for preparation. If I need something, I can’t just nip to Holland and Barrett and translation apps aren’t always the best, so I figured becat to take things with me which I can.

The procedure does include anti nasea, indigestion and pain relief drugs, FYI. 

My shopping list so far is:

- Vomit bags - recommmended on a Vlog. The thought of vomiting at all scares me, but into a bag.... shitting myself...... 

- Ice lolly mould - I figured rather than trying to find sugar free ice lolly’s (recommended for the sore throat after) I’d just make my own. 

- Sugar free water drops - I think these are recommended for people who don’t like water, but as I drink around 8 liters per day, I don’t see this being a problem for me. Instead, I packed some Frio, a favourite from Germany that I know is sugar / sweetener free.

- Packet soup - I’m not a soup eater (drinker?), so recommendations are welcome. They have to be chunk-free. 

When I arrive in Prague, I will head to a supermarket and purchase:

- Semi skimmed milk - Doctor recommends

- Bottled water (both still and sparking - some people say sparking drinks help the nausea and burping)

- Herbal tea ( I don’t know why, but I love foreign tea and might be able to drink this)

I will right another blog post procedure of what I needed, what I didn’t, and what I should have taken.

Chat soon 😃


  1. Great list -this is very helpful. Vomit bags - awesome tip, I had not even thought of that :)


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