
Showing posts from October, 2018

Day 5

Today is day 5 since the procedure and I feel completely and utterly rubbish. I don’t have the energy to structure a post so I’ll bullet point. I wasn’t well sedated and the procedure was horrific.  The flight home made me very weepy and I had cramps the whole way.  I vomit 1-2 times per day I’m dehydrated- my pee looks like orange lucozade I am taking pain relief, anti sickness, anti acid reflux x 3 (an acid, gaviscon and Raniditine) and a multivitamin  My meals consist of sipping water throughout the day I haven’t tried blending food or anything yet- today I’m mixing an isotonic drink with water and trying that. Yesterday I had half a cup of tea.  My energy levels are almost non-existent.... Besides after my midday vomit, when I feel fabulous and can function like a human for 2 hours.  I wish I had it done in this country so I felt like I could ask for some advice, and maybe an IV drop.  I weighed myself yesterday and I’ve lost 10lbs in 4 days. The docs told me if I lose

12 hours pre procedure

The journey here has been hell. My dad arrived at the airport with my mam’s Passport instead of his. I sat and cried on the airport floor while he raced home to find his passport. We did make it back and we were rushed through security and had time before our flight. We arrived in the airport and our transfer (which was included in the price of the balloon) didn’t show up. No one answered the phone/email/Facebook messages. We stood around for about an hour and as we were getting into a taxi I got a callback- and was told to get the taxi and it would be reimbursed. Our taxi dropped us at the wrong apartment so I was convinced the entire country was out to scam me.... But eventually we got settled in late last night. The excitement of the day meant I didn’t sleep well at all, and I woke up with a huge headache. Not wanting to cause any balloon issues I ploughed on without painkillers and did a bit of sightseeing with my dad. I’m now back in my apartment and it’s 8,30pm. I get p

Flying today! Nervous!

Today is the day! I'm flying to Prague at 16:10 today.  It dawned on me that I've never stayed overnight in a hospital in my life. I've never been more than an outpatient for a scan. I've never worn a hospital gown - will everyone see my butt in it?  I'm not going to lie- the nerves are creeping in. I'm not sleeping properly. I'm not worried about the procedure so much (I've never been under anesthetic before), but the afterwoulds is scaring me. I hate nothing more than being sick, I cry and gag and sweat and I think there's no worse feeling.  Then there's the potential stomach cramps... I cry when I pluck my eyebrows which is an indication to my pain threshold.  I've packed some protein water, some ice lolly moulds, some vomit bags.... and I'm just hoping everything is alright. I plan to update my blog daily while I'm away. I might even record a video from the clinic.  Wish me luck!